Monday, November 1, 2010

Red Madonna

Over the course of the past year the Bard and I have spoken of a pattern both of us fell in love with. She found it on her travels and it is truly an amazing discovery.

During her summer vacation spent in the Village she and I discussed and debated as we had decided to both create this beautiful piece, but the choice of stitch count, fabric, and fibers consumed a great deal of our time, while we consumed the Bar Mistresses beer.  :)

I most definitely wanted to do this in red, as I love the color and so I chose a palette of over dyed silks to work the motiefs.  We both agreed that due to the size we would work this on 45ct linen which makes it only 31"x31".  I'm firmly not thinking about the price our framer will charge for this once it is done. That is many moons from now.

After much consideration of purples and aubergine, the Bard chose to work in Cranberries as that had been her first inclination and as I in no way opposed her keeping to the 'red' theme of the piece. 

Then of course came the problem of finding time to stitch this in the midst of all else that occurs in ones life.  Work and friends and holidays and work...time flies.  However, I have found a minute to put a few stitches into this.
I enjoy this immensely and I hope to spend more quality time with it in the future, however an immanent wedding of my friends from a neighboring village has me working full out on a wedding sampler as the date is in March and the sampler is complex.