Thursday, August 26, 2010

How was Eve Clothed?

Amongst the Village there has been great debate over the question of what Eve wore in Paradise.  In the pattern which we stitched Eve is shown in a blue dress. Very pretty and becoming, however, whence did the fabric come from?  Did the eating of one pear truly gift her with the knowledge of sewing and weaving so that she could cloth herself so quickly.  The Bard seemed to think so which is why her Eve wears the dress as charted.

However, others felt differently.  I chose to have her 'cover her nakedness' in leaves from the pear tree and so removed the dress and chose leaves from the tree pattern and put them over her strategically. 

The Trickster thought that Eve might be more of Adam's mind as far as clothing and so chose a different leave differently placed for her covering of Eve.

And the Merchant Queen felt that the Snake was far more involved in this situation than anyone was paying a mind to.

And so they are. Almost complete and amazingly unique and beautiful.  A grand tribute to a challenge fairly taken.  Who is to say where the journey will lead us next?

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